HUD Sustainable Communities Webinar

Sujata Srivastava, along with Vinz Koller and Kristin Wolf of Social Policy Research Associates, will be moderating a Workforce and Economic Development webinar for HUD Sustainable Communities grantees on August 27, 2014.

Untitled1The focus of the webinar will be:
1) A discussion and interaction around specific trends and innovations in workforce and economic development;
2) an introduction to the new workforce law (WIOA), featuring workforce innovators who are laying the foundation for the future of economic development and jobs policy and programs; and
3) a brief preview of a planned Economic and Workforce Development Convening for grantees on October 23-24 in Oakland, CA.

Guest speaker Vera Krekanova Krofcheck, Director of Strategy and Research for the Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board will share the innovative work of her WIB.

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