Carline Au mentioned in California Planning and Development Report

The work of our newest Associate, Carline Au, is mentioned in the California Planning and Development Report. The article is on redevelopment agency’s long-range property management plans.

“A couple of publicly available reports exist in the Bay Area, one on potential transit-oriented development sites and another inventorying public lands in Oakland, but they appear to have few counterparts.

The first is an inventory of Oakland public lands by Carline Au, currently an associate with Strategic Economics, Inc. Prepared as an academic paper in the UC-Berkeley planning M.A. program, her report analyzes 2,400 Oakland public properties in 15 different categories, including assets of the postredevelopment successor agency. Au calls on the city of Oakland to adopt a coordinated public lands policy as a strategy against displacement by gentrification. Her report is available from the Web site with free registration. The other Bay Area report is “Untapped Resources: Potential Bay Area Sites for Transit-Oriented Development,” by NPH. The report’s lead authors are Lane and Libby Seifel of Seifel Consulting, Inc., which works on post-redevelopment issues. The Great Communities Collaborative, housed at the San Francisco Foundation, supported the project. The report provides a selective catalog of properties with potential for transit-oriented development, including affordable housing, that appear on Long-Range Property Management Plans.”


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