2024 Staff Retreat!

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In March we had a wonderful staff retreat that included a fun craft project. Clearly, Strategic Economics is blooming.

Conferences and New Projects

Fall has been conference season here at Strategic Economics! Back in September, Derek Braun and Arpita Banerjee attended the American Planning Association California Chapter conference in Fresno. It was a great time of catching up with old colleagues, meeting new ones, and learning from everyone’s latest work. Feeding a giraffe at the opening reception wasn’t bad either!

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Arpita feeding giraffe

Meanwhile, Chris Holcomb is at the Mpact Transit + Community conference in Phoenix right this week (the week of 11/6). Be sure to say hi! Dena is off to the Build it Green California Housing Systems Innovators Network convening in Folsom, California.

In project news, we recently kicked off work on the San Leandro Economic Development Strategy and the Dublin Economic Development Strategy and Element. We’re excited to support these communities in identifying new opportunities and supporting their ongoing prosperity. We also wrapped up our three year engagement with the Metro Rail extension in Buffalo, New York, having prepared an Equitable TOD Strategy for the Corridor.

What we’ve been up to this summer!

Strategic Economics welcomes two new Associates

Strategic Economics welcomes two new Associates, Madeleine Galvin and Ryan Haight. Madeleine comes to us with a background in inclusive development and climate adaptation; she has earned her Master of City Planning degree at U.C. Berkeley. Ryan deepens our bench in community planning, transportation policy, and capital investment analysis. Ryan holds a Master of Urban and Regional Planning degree from Portland State University. We’re excited for these great additions to our Strategic Economics team!

Recent Project Awards

We’re pleased to announce awards for two of our recent projects! The American Planning Association selected the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan and Climate Action Plan as the winner in the Community-wide Award category of the 2023 APA Sustainable Communities Division Awards for Excellence in Sustainability. And the American Planning Association of California Northern Section bestowed a Planning Award of Excellence for the South San Francisco 2040 General Plan

We are proud to have been part of the collaborative and thoughtful consultant teams that supported Rancho Cucamonga and South San Francisco in the development of these plans. Many thanks to the City staff members, community stakeholders, and decision makers who charted a course for equity, resiliency, sustainability, and prosperity in their communities.

Strategic Economics Celebrates Our 25th Anniversary!

On May 9th Strategic Economics hit a significant milestone! This was the 25th anniversary of our first day in operation. Over the years we’ve had so many wonderful staff, fantastic clients, outstanding partners, and interesting projects. So I want to take this moment to thank everybody who has contributed to our success. It has truly been a team effort. Now we are looking forward to continuing to work on projects that are helping to reshape our communities into more just, resilient, and economically robust places.

-Dena Belzer

Strategic Economics News Round Up

2023 is off to a great start!

In people news

We have promoted Chris Holcomb from Associate to Associate II. Chris continues to build his team leadership skills and is emerging as a thought leader within the firm and with our external colleagues and clients.

Arpita Banerjee joined SE as an Associate last September and is already making an impact on several groundbreaking projects, including preparing an economic and cultural impact analysis for the Berryessa Flea Market in San Jose, California. Arpita recently completed her Master of Urban Planning degree at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. And, last but not least, Derek Braun, Principal was appointed by Mayor London Breed to sit on the San Francisco Planning Commission. We are so happy that the citizens of San Francisco are benefiting from Derek’s deep experience and wise thought process regarding all things urban.

In project news

Strategic Economics led an outstanding consultant team including Opticos Design, Sherwood Engineering, Toole Design, and W-ZHA in working with the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico to adopt a master plan and rezoning for the Midtown District. This was truly a team effort including our team, the fabulous city staff, and the many community organizations who led an exemplary engagement process. Five years after the City took on the monumental task of envisioning what this former college campus could be, Santa Fe is finally moving forward with a strategic disposition. We can’t wait to see what happens in response to the two developer RFPs issued late last year.

We are also excited to say that the City of South San Francisco adopted its new “Shape SSF 2040” general plan update! Strategic Economics was part of a talented and thoughtful consultant team led by Raimi + Associates. The efforts of this team, City staff, city decisionmakers, and numerous stakeholders produced an equity-focused plan that charts a course for the city to continue thriving. Strategic Economics is now working with a team led by Raimi + Associates to create the Lindenville Specific Plan as a next step in implementing South San Francisco’s vision for its future.

Announcing Exciting Changes at Strategic Economics

Derek Braun has been promoted to Principal. Derek has been with Strategic Economics for over 13 years. During this time, he has honed his technical skills; proved himself as an excellent project manager; and emerged as a thought leader earning the respect of the entire SE team, his colleagues and peers, and most importantly our clients. I am thrilled with Derek’s elevation to this position and look forward to continuing to work together as SE’s senior leadership team.

Samantha Moskol has been promoted to Senior Associate. Samantha has been with Strategic Economics for four years. Sam’s creative problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and strong management skills have earned her this promotion. It is so exciting to see one of our team members grow so rapidly into this leadership position within SE. I know that our colleagues and clients will also find Sam to be a great and very able partner in carrying on the important work that we are all doing.

We have also added two new Associates, Tatum Troutt and Chris Holcomb, and one new Research Analyst, Gus Stephens. All three are outstanding individuals who are already continuing the SE commitment to excellence, innovation, and integrity in our work. For more information about Tatum, Chris, and Gus, please see our website,

Over the coming year we look forward to working with old and new friends as we continue to deliver cutting-edge work bringing insightful, informed, and inclusive economic analyses to communities around the U.S.

Happy 2022!

Dena Belzer, President

TRB Webinar: A Guide to Joint Development for Public Transportation Agencies

Dena Belzer will be speaking at a webinar sponsored by the Transportation Research Board regarding the recently published Guide to Joint Development for Public Transportation Agencies.  Dena is one of the Guidebook’s co-authors. This webinar will take place on September 2, 2021 at 11 am pacific 2 pm eastern.

Information about the webinar is available here.

The full guide is available here.