A selection of publications and media from Strategic Economics.



Creating Connected Communities: A Guidebook for Improving Transportation Connections for Low- and Moderate-Income Households in Small and Mid-Sized Cities

This U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development guidebook provides elected officials, city staff, community leaders, and other decision makers in small and mid-sized cities with a menu of strategies for improving the transportation choices available to low- and moderate-income households.
Strategic Economics, contributing authors, 2014

Building Better Budgets

Strategic Economics assisted Smart Growth America in preparing Building Better Budgets: A National Examination of the Fiscal Benefits of Smart Growth Development. The report provides a survey of 17 studies comparing the fiscal impacts of varying development scenarios and includes a fiscal impact analysis of Nashville-Davidson County, TN, prepared by Strategic Economics.
Smart Growth America, 2013

Infrastructure Financing Options for Transit-Oriented Development

This U.S. EPA report provides a comprehensive overview of existing and emerging tools for funding and financing transit-oriented development infrastructure. The inventory of tools and strategies provides critical information about how infrastructure financing tools work and how they can be applied in regions and markets with differing types and scales of infrastructure. Legal and political considerations, and whether the tool relies on public or private funds or a combination of these are also examined.
Strategic Economics, contributing authors, 2013

Building on Our Assets: Economic Development & Job Creation in the East Bay

This assessment of employment trends and the general business environment of the East Bay region provides an easily-understood analytical basis to inform future policy decisions in the areas of economic development and regional planning.
Strategic Economics, 2011

TOD and Employment

This paper is a broad-based exploration of the relationship between transit and job concentrations in evolving regions. It emphasizes the importance of the destination side of the trip for both transit operations and land use planning in station areas.
Center For Transit-Oriented Development, 2011

Rails To Real Estate

This report examines the residential and commercial development that sprung up within a half-mile of stations along three transit lines. It focuses on a variety of factors that affect development, including proximity to downtown areas and other major employment centers; the location and extent of vacant or “underutilized” property that might offer opportunities for development or redevelopment; block patterns that influence “walkability”; transit connectivity; and, household incomes.
Center For Transit-Oriented Development, 2011

Transit and Regional Economic Development

This paper examines the types of industries that may have a greater propensity than others to be transit-oriented. It attempts to provide a framework for how the coordination of regional economic development, land use and transportation planning efforts can better promote healthy, high-functioning regions.
Center For Transit-Oriented Development, 2011

Economic and Housing Opportunities Assessment

Strategic Economics assessed the economic benefits of transforming the auto-oriented El Camino Real corridor into a multimodal, mixed-use corridor. This report discusses how changes in land uses could result in a number of positive benefits, including the creation of more jobs and housing and the potential to accommodate new growth in a sustainable manner.
Strategic Economics, 2010

CDFI’s and TOD

This publication provides: a description of the benefits of equitable TOD, and TOD’s relationship to the broad goals of the CDFI industry; a discussion of challenges to the provision of equitable TOD; a description of the range of strategies employed to overcome these challenges; and, a framework for understanding the potential evolution of the role of CDFIs in TOD.
Strategic Economics and the Center For Transit-Oriented Development, 2010

Capturing the Value of Transit

This report, prepared for the FTA offers a nuanced and meaningful understanding of value capture strategies, focusing specifically on the potential to capture increased property values for the purpose of funding transit.
Center For Transit-Oriented Development, 2008

The New Transit Town: Best Practices in Transit-Oriented Development

“This book examines the first generation of TOD projects, derives lessons for the next generation, and explains how demographics, investment trends and the market support TOD now.”
Dena Belzer and Shanti Breznau, contributing authors, 2004

Rhetoric to Reality

This is a Discussion Paper, prepared for The Brookings Institution’s Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy and The Great American Station Foundation in June 2002
Dena Belzer and Gerald Autler, Strategic Economics, 2002