fiscal economic impact analyses

Fiscal and Economic Impact Analyses

Strategic Economics helps cities and regions understand the fiscal implications of land use decisions. In addition to our fiscal impact models that estimate net revenues resulting from local land use plans and entitlements, we have developed an innovative approach for measuring costs and benefits of varying development patterns at the regional level. We bring a unique approach to this work, highlighting the relationship between land use patterns and fiscal health.


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Public Finance

Financing the many types of public improvements needed to support in-fill and transit-oriented development is a major challenge nationwide. Strategic Economics assists local governments, community groups, foundations, financial institutions and federal agencies strategize to overcome this challenge.


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Market and Feasibility Analyses

Strategic Economics has extensive experience in real estate market and financial feasibility analysis, ranging from detailed evaluations of proposed development projects to planning-level analysis intended to base planning and policy studies in reality. This work provides our clients with the critical information they need to make decisions and advance development projects.



economic development

Economic Development and Retail Strategies

Strategic Economics works with cities and regions to prepare strategic plans and documents that facilitate the growth and expansion of businesses. We deliver implementation-oriented economic development and retail strategies for cities and regional governments that incorporate the diverse perspectives of community members, employers, and policymakers.


real estate advisory services

Real Estate Advisory Services

Strategic Economics offers real estate advisory services to public and private sector clients.


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Transit-Oriented Development

Strategic Economics is committed to supporting high-quality TOD in residential neighborhoods, mixed-use districts, and employment areas. In this capacity, we work with developers, cities, transit agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, housing authorities, and a wide range of community-based and philanthropic organizations.