Derek B Headshot min

Derek Braun

510-647-5291 x112

Derek has over 15 years of experience completing economic, market, fiscal impact, and financial feasibility analyses and related public policy guidance. He specializes in the economic analyses connected to land use plans, municipal economic development strategies, development feasibility, community benefits strategies, and affordable housing. Derek focuses on achieving each community and client’s unique goals through tailored analyses that emphasize equity and sustainability.

Examples of Derek’s work include revisions to the Hayward, California inclusionary housing policy; a commercial linkage fee nexus study for Los Altos, California; an economic development strategy for Culver City, California; community benefits and financial feasibility assessments of proposed development projects for Redwood City, California; transit-oriented market assessments and policy guidance for St. Louis, Missouri; and a range of analyses and policy and implementation recommendations for the South San Francisco General Plan, Downtown Oakland Specific Plan, and the Kansas City Riverfront Industrial Area Plan.

Derek holds a Master of Planning degree from the University of Southern California, with a concentration in Economic Development. Mr. Braun also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Management from Case Western Reserve University. He is currently serving his community as a Planning Commissioner for the City and County of San Francisco.